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12th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium

Montpellier, France

8 - 12 July, 2024



The International Mesostructured Materials Symposium focuses on materials where the  architecture at the mesoscale (2 - 50 nm) plays a dominant role in controlling materials' properties. While the conference has historically addressed mesoporous materials, this year’s conference welcomes all aspects of science and engineering research where nanoscale architecture plays a dominant role in controlling function or properties. Relevant topics include materials synthesis, materials characterization, and all applications of mesostructured materials. Applications encompass, but are not limited to catalysis, separations, drug delivery, and a broad range of topics related to energy harvesting and storage.




The 12th IMMS is organized by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the University of Montpellier, and the International Mesostructured Materials Association. 





Gold sponsors






Silver sponsor



Poster Prize sponsor

  New Journal of Chemistry New Journal of Chemistry




26/09/2024: The 1st announcement is ready for download.

04/01/2024: The call for abstracts is now open. Please submit your abstract following the indications given at the  'Abstract submission' tab.

26/01/2024: The 2nd announcement and Call for abstracts is now ready for download.

16/02/2024: Registration is open.

10/05/2024: The early bird registration is extended to 31/05/2024.

07/06/2024: Tentative program is online.

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